ICU Academy Australia
Introducing Tanya Skinner
ICU Teacher, Perth

My Qualifications
30+ years as a Primary School Teacher
Dip Teaching, Auckland NZ, 1991
BEd, ECU Perth, 1996
ICU Teacher Training 2017
Current Working With Children Check
Hi, I’m Tanya, welcome to ICU Academy Australia…
I’m so excited to be able to finally share ICU with you and the world. I truly believe an ICU course is the best gift a parent could give their child – a gift they keep forever. I am deeply passionate about opening up this ability in children, to help improve their learning and reduce anxiety around schooling. Children learn to connect with their purpose here on earth, gain a strong sense of self belief and inner strength.
I have been a passionate and dedicated Primary School teacher for more than 30 years now – much to my shock at how quickly the time has passed! I’m currently based in Perth but have worked as a teacher in many countries, including New Zealand, England and Australia, with classes covering all ages from Prep (4 years old) to Year 8. I have taught Mainstream and Special Needs in Private, State and International schools.
In 2008 I became a specialist teacher of Physical Education and then in 2011, I switched to specialising in Science teaching. I still love my job and it brings me immense joy and satisfaction. I am always searching for new ways to present the information to the children to help improve students’ learning.
In 2016, a friend of mine informed me that she was bringing a world-renowned teacher of ‘Extra Ocular Vision’, Karen Osborne, to Australia to teach the course to a select group of people. She asked if I was interested in attending Karen’s course and since this was something that intrigued me, I jumped at the opportunity.
Karen Osborne, has trained under the legendary Drunvalo Melchizedek and in early 2017 I travelled to northern Queensland to complete the course. Karen Osborne, who lives in Canada, is affiliated with ICU Academy UK, which is run by Nicola Farmer, based in England and was recently featured on Gaia with the program ‘Superhuman.’
I had never heard of ‘Extra Ocular Vision’ but once I researched the technique, I knew this was what I wanted to share with as many children as possible to enhance their learning and education. The drive behind my teaching career had been the inherent need to ‘help’ children rather than to teach. What appealed to me was the fact that the Extra Ocular Vision method opens children up to learning in different ways – an alternative education. Children that are struggling at school suddenly begin succeeding after completing the course. I especially wanted to help children with special needs, such as autism, since close friends of mine have children affected in this way. My own daughter struggled at school with spelling and English and I wanted to help her achieve too. My aim was to help build the child’s self-esteem, reduce anxiety regarding education and help improve students learning.
In a typical classroom, information is presented using the senses of sight and hearing, children look and listen. The ‘Extra Ocular Vision’ course enables children to absorb information in different ways which enables them to succeed at school. It further connects them to their innate abilities. What I learned during Karen Osborne’s course was utterly fascinating.
My first students totally amazed me with their abilities! It is very hard for our brains to comprehend what we witness the children doing, as we are taught that it is impossible. My first student was able to read with a blindfold on during the first session. I held the book a number of metres away from him, yet he was still able to read the tiny letters in a Dr Seuss book with a blindfold on. It was incredible to witness. I called his mum over to watch and she was in complete disbelief at his abilities. She began to cry. She explained to me that he didn’t read and that he had a learning disability with reading and yet here he was reading with a blindfold on and telling me he had super powers! The boy felt amazing with his new abilities and his self-confidence had grown hugely. He was so proud of his achievements and self-improvement, and he was only 9 years old.
My next student was 5 years old. Within a very short time I sat and played ‘Uno’, him with a blindfold on, me without. It was incredible to witness. I find that children always seem to win when playing with their blindfold on!
It brings me immense joy to witness the children’s achievements and I never cease to marvel at the wonders I am observing. I wish to pass this ability on to as many children as I can to help improve their learning and connect them to their intuition – for that is not lost over time.
I have known for some time that this is what I am here on earth to do, and this was further confirmed to me in a dream. I am here to bring this programme to the children, so that they can reach their highest potential in life.
I believe right now is the time the children need this gift the most… for they are our future.